Empowered by Friendship: Dialogues

photo by Jang Sui

On May 26, 2024, pianist Jialiang Zhu performed in a solo piano recital Dialogues featuring piano music written by an array of fantastic contemporary composers – David Jaeger, Kathryn Knowles, Anita Pari, Qiuyue Jin, Edward Enman – along with “Benediction de Dieu dans la Solitude” by Franz Liszt. Each piece of the program is a dialogue between music and another subject — such as poetry, language, mental health, and self-discovery.

This recital is part of Jialiang’s self-produced Empowered by Friendship Concert Series. She is deeply grateful to the Canada Council for the Arts, Ontario Government, Ontario Arts Council, and the Canadian Music Centre for their generous support.

Jianliang performed a number of David Jaegers compositions including Nocturne no. 3 – Tumult (based on a poem by Bruce Whiteman), Meditation on the Tranquility of Union, Nocturne no. 2 – A Blessing (based on a poem by David Cameron), Meditation with Du bist die Ruh, Nocturne no. 4 – The Murmur (based on a poem by Sean Haldane)

“Since I moved to Toronto in 2007, I have met so many inspiring, kind, and generous souls who continue to demonstrate artistry and crafts at the highest level, and who continue to support my growth as a person and as an artist.” says Jianliang. “David Jaeger is one such friend, mentor, and role model.”

More information about the performance can be found at https://cmccanada.org/event/empowered-by-friendship-dialogues/
